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  1. Functional long circulating single walled carbon nanotubes for flfluorescent/photoacoustic imaging-guided enhanced phototherapy

Biomaterials 103 (2016)219-228  Journal homepage:  www.elsevier.com/locate/biomaterials  High Pressure Homogenizer (Model:D-3L; PhD Technology International, MN,USA)

  1. Oxygen-generating hybrid nanoparticles to enhance flfluorescent/ photoacoustic/ultrasound imaging guided tumor photodynamic therapy   Biomaterials 112 (2017) 324-335  Journal homepage:  elsevier.com/locate/biomaterials

High Pressure Homogenizer (Model:D-3L; PhD Technology International, MN,USA)

  1. Effificient Inactivation of Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation Related Genes in Lotus japonicus Using CRISPR-Cas9

 Frontiers in Plant Science | www.frontiersin.org  ORIGINAL RESEARCH  published: 31 August 2016 doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.01333

 Cells were disrupted by high pressure homogenization (Model: D-3L;

 PhD Technology International, MN, USA)

  1. 药物载体非 PEG 空白脂质体的制备及稳定性研究 资助项目: 山东省科技发展计划项目( 2014GSF118121) ; 中国生化药物杂志 2015 年第 7 期 总第 35 卷 [中图分类号]R94   [文章编号] 1005 - 1678( 2015) 07 - 0022 - 03  所用设备:D-3L 型高压均质机 ( 美国 PhD 科技有限公司) ;
  1. 用统计学方法优化硝苯地平脂质体处方 中图分类号:R944 文献标志码:A   文章编号:1671-5489(2015)doi:10.13413/j.cnki.jdxblxb.2015.03.41 所用设备:D-3L 型高压均质机 ( 美国 PhD 科技有限公司) ;
  1. 正交设计优化尼美舒利 NLC 处方组成与制备工艺doi: 10. 13353 /j. issn. 1004. 9533. 2014. 04. 010 中图分类号: R 9 文献标志码: A  文章编号: 1004-9533( 2014) 04-0046-06 所用设备:D-3L 型高压均质机 ( 美国 PhD 科技有限公司) ;
  1. Solution-processed assembly of ultrathin transparent conductive cellulose nanopaper embedding AgNWs The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015  DOI: 10.1039/c5nr03218k  13694 | Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 13694–13701  High Pressure Homogenizer (Model:D-3L; PhD Technology International, MN,USA)
  1. Fast fabrication of transparent and multi[1]luminescent TEMPO-oxidized nanofifibrillated cellulose nanopaper functionalized with lanthanide complexes  Journal of  Materials Chemistry C  Received 17th November 2014 , Accepted 14th January 2015  DOI: 10.1039/c4tc02622e  rsc.org/MaterialsC High-pressure homogenization process (D–3L, PhD Technology LLC, USA).
  1. Transparent nanocellulose hybrid films functionalized with ZnO nanostructures for UV-blocking Journal of  Materials Chemistry C

 Received 23rd March 2015,  Accepted 25th May 2015  DOI: 10.1039/c5tc00812c  www.rsc.org/MaterialsC a homogenization process with a high pressure homogenizer (D-3L, PhD Technology LLC, USA)

  1. Integrated Fast Assembly of Free-Standing Lithium Titanate/Carbon Nanotube/Cellulose Nanofifiber Hybrid Network Film as Flexible Paper-Electrode for Lithium-Ion Batteries ACS Appl. Mater.Interfaces 2015,7, 10695-10701  DOI:10.1021/acsami.5b02693

 Received: October 24, 2014 , Published: May4,2015  Extruder (NanoAble-150, PhD Technology LLC)